I was on the phone with my mom today and she made a comment to me about how cool it would have been if I would have actually followed through in doing this blog, now that we are finally purchasing our first home! She had such a good point and it was one of the first times I realized that I had made a HUGE mistake when I didn't follow through with this project!
The only thing that could save me is that I have been writing daily in a journal (a HUGE feat for me) and have a lot of photos to look at over the past year.
Now, having a week off, I plan to sit down for a bit each day and try to recapture the moments that Travis and I shared here in the RV. I know it isn't the same, but I have to have some sort of closure to this project in order to move on to the next endeavor!
With that being said, I guess the best place to start is where we are today. We found a house in Kent, Wa, which means we will be staying in the PacNW. This is exciting news because it means we will be moving out of the RV after a year of RV Living! We are all packed up and ready to go, but we still have no idea when we will be closing.

I was hoping to close on the house so that I would have this week to move and unpack, but it looks like that won't be happening. I truly believe that things happen for a reason and that reason is TIME TO FINISH UNFINISHED PROJECTS!!!

Now, not only are we counting down the days to our new house, we are also counting down the days to see if we are pregnant this month! We decided it would be best to start fertility treatments to help us conceive and last Friday was our first IUI. That means we are in a 2 WEEK WAIT to see if it worked!
Now that we have 2 major events going on right now, I AM GOING CRAZY waiting!!!
I decided to take this week to get back into cooking and trying a few recipes and finishing a few art projects that I left behind when I started working. I also will be taking a few days to spend some time with a few good friends, which will be wonderful since there might be a chance we'll be able to do a little shopping IF things go well! Hopefully, these things will keep my mind occupied!
Today, I am making some Tomato-Bread Soup, from my favorite source for recipes, Martha Stewart's Everyday Food Magazine! I highly recommend purchasing a subscription to this if you are new to cooking! The recipes are super impressive to serve while staying super easy to make!

While I am cooking, I will be listening to my Red Sox ( another thing I have neglected these past 3 months!) try to advance towards the playoffs!
Now, that I have the "Happy Ending" to our RV Living, I will take some time this week to fill in the missing pieces to complete our RV journey! Any posts from here on out will have the date in the title!

Soup's done!!