Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wedding Bells are Ringing!

Today is a sad day for Travis and I. It is time for me to go back to Caldwell to get ready for our wedding... Bittersweet! I am going to miss our Daily RV life... I am going to miss snuggling with my baby. I am going to miss making dinners and taking the dogs to the river. I am going to miss kissing him goodbye every morning before work and greeting him at the door every evening...
One thing I won't miss...

Travis beating me at Sequence!

I decided to do a post dedicated to Travis and I. Here are a few oldies but goodies for you all to enjoy while I am away.

I hope to post a few times while I am in Caldwell, to document the wedding preparations...

Boise State Game


Travis surprised me this night, by telling me he was farther away from Caldwell than he really was! I was SO excited to see him! What a great night at the Goose!

Poker night

This is the BSU game we decided we should start seeing each other!

Red Sox game that Papa took us to. What a great weekend!

I think this was taken right after he told me how he really felt about me!

Seattle July 2008

OK! Here it is! The real deal! This is Travis and I, 1993. Freshman year. I was SO excited to go to the Freshman Farewell with him! I don't remember much of the dance... but I don't need to... I get to spend the rest of my life with him!


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